This class qualifies toward Professional Membership with the ICRT
The class will be taught online with breaks for lunch and as needed.
ICRT Licensed Usui/Holy Fire® III Reiki Master-Teacher and Holy Fire® III Karuna Reiki® Master-Teacher, Pam Allen-LeBlanc became the first ICRT Licensed Reiki Master Teacher in Canada in 2019.
Classes taught by Licensed Teachers qualify toward Professional Membership with the ICRT. A professional membership with the ICRT Reiki membership association is available to Reiki Masters who have studied Reiki level 1&2 as well as at the Master level with an ICRT Licensed Reiki Master Teacher.
The decision to take a Reiki class and begin using this Japanese system of stress reduction which often leads to healing and the release of trauma and drama in our lives. With Reiki, we tend to get to know ourselves better – and to begin loving all parts of ourselves bringing peace into our lives. We reconnect with the magic and mystery that exist in the world and the delight that this brings. Understanding that we are all the same brings Compassion. Loving ourselves brings Joy and loving others brings Happiness and Harmony.
Bringing this all together, we become very Balanced. Reiki seems to stimulate these changes to take place and then to see them through. There is life before Reiki and life after Reiki and they do not look the same. Reiki helps us gain a new perspective, and understand that we are NEVER helpless. In any situation we find ourselves, we have Reiki which can turn the situation around so that it works for our highest good as well as the highest good of everyone else around it.
Classes are a combination of lecture, discussion & hands-on experience! They are also deeply healing. Please bring lunch, a journal, a water bottle, a pair of slippers and a comfy blanket for in person classes. For online classes, you will need a computer or tablet with a camera and speaker, an internet connection and you may wish to have earphones with a microphone for better sound when you are sharing.
Registration is required and space is limited.
Deposit is non-refundable but may be applied to a future class within 12 months.
Reiki 1 (Shoden) is an introduction to Reiki. It is the first step in learning Reiki and is all about self treatment and healing though level 1 practitioners can also work on family and friends. Once you have received Reiki, the ability to use it never goes away.
Reiki level 2 (Okuden) brings things to a whole new level by introducing symbols. The energy becomes much more powerful and you gain the ability to send Reiki from a distance, to practice Reiki professionally on others if you wish, to create a Reiki grid and you learn Japanese Reiki techniques. This class is particularly helpful for emotional healing, so it is wonderful for empaths and anyone else who wants to take Reiki further.
The cost of the two day class is $410 US and includes William Lee Rand’s detailed level 1&2 manual. You are qualified to become a Reiki practitioner after class if you desire.
Reiki has traditionally been taught together with the Reiki level 1 class followed by Reiki level 2 class by Dr. Usui, Dr. Hayashi and Mrs. Takata – the founders of the Reiki system we practice today. When Reiki levels 1&2 are taken together, it creates a very powerful effect. ICRT licensed classes are always taught together, so if you already have Reiki level 1, you still are required to sign up for both days of class. In our tradition, we teach a number of additional techniques such as Japanese Reiki techniques, etc. and both days are needed to ensure you receive the most complete training possible.
In September, 2018, the Holy Fire® Reiki “upgraded” making the already powerful Holy Fire® Reiki classes even stronger. I really look forward to sharing this incredible healing energy with you. Reiki changes your life, and Usui/Holy Fire III Reiki classes – in addition to connecting you with Usui Reiki energy, also connect you with Holy Fire Reiki energy and the incredible benefits that provides. You can find out more about Holy Fire® Reiki here:
Because class space is limited, a 50% downpayment is required to hold your space in the class via the registration button above (PayPal payment option). If needed, other payment options are available.
Generally, once you sign up for the class, your energy starts to shift to get ready to move to a higher frequency so if you experience brief health issues or discomfort after signing up, please be aware that it is most likely your body shifting.
What is covered in the Usui/Holy Fire III Reiki level 1 & 2 class?
- Ocean of Holy Love Experience
- Reiki Talk – what is Reiki, levels of Reiki, how it heals, what it can be used for and history of Reiki
- The Reiki Ideals
- Gassho meditation
- Reiki I Placement
- Hands on practice with partner to experience the energy (or distance techniques with online classes)
- Byosen Scanning to feel energy blockages
- Hands on practice standard treatment for others using all hand positions (or via distance with online classes)
- Kenyoku – Japaneses technique to center and disconnect energy
- Review of Hayashi Healing Guide
- Discuss client release forms, charging money/barter
- Practice self-treatment: Byosen self-scan and hand positions for self-treatment
- ICRT Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice
- Holy Love Experience to open to Divine Love
- Reiki II symbols – how to draw, complete meaning, how to use them in all facets of your life
- Discuss many uses of the distant symbol for distant and past/future healing
- Reiki II Placement
- Practice Reiki with partner, using one symbol at a time
- Complete treatment with all symbols
- Gyoshi-ho – Reiki with your eyes
- Enkaku Chiryo – different ways to send distant Reiki
- Class evaluations
- Certificates
Manual included. Continuing Education Contact Hours available for Nurses, Massage Therapists, Social Workers and Marriage & Family Counselors (additional fee).
A bit more about the class:
Fruit, herbal teas and fresh water will be available throughout the day. As energies shift, we tend to be really hungry – and thirsty!
In the original Reiki ideals, Dr. Usui says that Reiki is “The secret art of inviting happiness” and “The miraculous medicine of all diseases”. It is known as a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It was discovered by Dr. Mikao Usui in the early 1900’s. Reiki combines Rei or Spiritual Wisdom with Ki or Life Energy – with some amazing results. Reiki can never cause harm. It never depletes your energy. Anyone can learn it. And once you have been attuned, whether you choose to use it or not, it will be with you for the rest of your life.
Reiki is not taught in the way other healing techniques are taught. The ability is transferred to the student by the Reiki Master during a placement process. During the placement, the Rei or God Consciousness makes adjustments in the student’s chakras and energy pathways and links the student to the Reiki source. A placement is very powerful energetically, your energy will start to shift and move toward this higher frequency. Sometimes, when this happens, the shift can be uncomfortable and we can even become physically ill prior to the class as the body begins to shift and shed illness and energy that it no longer needs so it can move to the higher, healing frequency. Please do your best to get to that first class anyway. You will find that the illness is short lived. And the Reiki class and placement experience are well worth it!
You can do a few things to help the placement go “deeper” into your consciousness if you wish. This is not necessary – but does facilitate a more powerful placement if you choose to observe the guidelines.
- Take 2-3 days prior to the class as a technology free time. Refrain from computer and TV use and do not listen to the news or read the newspaper.
- Eat whole foods and eliminate caffeine and alcohol.
- If you really want to detox prior to the weekend, Mrs. Takata (who brought Reiki to North America) has a juice blend uses – with one 2” beet, 1 Tbsp watercress, 2 stalks of celery, 1 med. Carrot and 2 cups purified or spring water. If you have Reiki already – you can send Reiki into this mixture prior to chopping it at high speed in a blender. If not, send love and kind thoughts into the mixture. This blend is supposed to purify the blood and detoxify the liver, gallbladder and lungs – but caution should be used with it as it is a powerful detoxifier. Drink a small amounts and wait for an hour or more to see how your body responds. I drink this mixture occasionally – and it is powerful. I can generally only drink about 1/3 of the mixture per day.
I look forward to sharing the gift of Reiki with you!
What do our students say about our Reiki classes?
“Reiki classes with Pam are simply magical. Everything flows well and she is a very effective and intuitive teacher. I’ve learned so much about Reiki, myself, and life in general during these courses and am so thankful for her knowledge and guidance.” Lisa – Usui/Holy Fire® III Reiki Master and Holy Fire® III Karuna Reiki® Master
“Thank you for showing me to connect with Reiki on a level that was not imaginable to me. My life has truly changed the moment I walked through your door.” Julia – Previously a Reiki Master, now an Usui/Holy Fire® II Reiki Master.
“Reiki saved my life” Cindy, Holy Fire® III Reiki Practitioner
“Through the beginning meditations, I could feel physical shifting beginning in my core as I was able to let go of some pretty heavy stuff with ease. Later, for weeks after the placement, this shifting would continue to work it’s way through my body, mind, and spirit. There is nowhere else I would rather study Reiki, even if it is a 14 hour drive!” Maddi – Usui/Holy Fire® II Reiki student
“The reason I keep going back to Pam for classes is that, although they are professional and adhere to the ICRT content, they are also intuitively guided and exactly right for the students in class.” Phillipa – Usui/Holy Fire® III Reiki Master and Holy Fire® III Karuna Reiki® Master
“It healed me,it mastered me! It gave me purpose and focus. It has become the cornerstone of my life and provided so much fulfillment in helping myself and others” Sheila – Usui/Holy Fire® III Reiki Master and Holy Fire® III Karuna Reiki® Master
“It is the Spiritual direction that I have searched my whole life for, and it has strengthened my Faith, provided guidance and incredible endurance during some very tough times, and provided me with the will to go on and fulfill my life purpose. I can’t imagine my life without Reiki.” Shelley – Usui/Holy Fire® III Reiki Practitioner
“Reiki changed my life. Literally, yes literally. Total type A personality, anxiety sufferer now a pretty chill gal. Love Reiki!” Jenn – Usui/Holy Fire® III Reiki Master
“Reiki just makes my life flow with more ease and I trust my guidance more then ever… I can’t imagine my life without the beauty and ease of Reiki!” Lee – Usui/Holy Fire® III Reiki Master
“The depth and knowledge that Pam Allen-LeBlanc has and teaches, is nothing shy of downright amazing. She has a GIFT that is shared with the lucky ones who choose to receive REIKI and deepens the true meaning of HEALING HANDS & HEART” Joanne –
Usui/Holy Fire® III Reiki Practitioner
A few Reiki photos from left to right: 1) The symbol for Reiki 2) Usui Sensei– the founder of Reiki 3) Dr. Hayashi – an early Reiki Master 4) Mrs. Takata – brought Reiki to North America 5) my Reiki master, William Lee Rand 6) My 2011 Reiki class in Stonehenge after our Master attunement 7) sharing Reiki with a horse and 8) my Reiki lineage