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Online Animal Communication class
May 10, 2021 @ 9:00 am - 6:30 pm
$US200”If you talk to the animals they will talk with you and you will know each other…
If you do not talk to them you will not know them, and what you do not know you will fear. What one fears one destroys.”
Chief Dan George (1899 – 1981)
If you would like to learn more about this class, here is an audio interview I did with Colleen Benelli for her podcast: Animal Communication Podcast with Pam Allen-LeBlanc and Colleen Benelli
And here is a video interview I did with Amy Butler about the class: Animal Communication Facebook Live interview with Pam Allen-LeBlanc and Amy Butler
9 am – 6:30 pm Atlantic time (8am-5:3opm Eastern)
$200 USD (appx. $250Cdn)
It is possible to communicate with animals – and because I had to work so hard to learn this skill, I’ve become quite adept at helping others learn the art of animal communication.
In our deep, Way of the Horse Emotional Healing clinic, we discovered that people could hear the animals by the end of the first day. We were then asked to create this course for people who wish to hear the animals without the deeper spiritual work – and it is a resounding success with most of the participants being able to communicate with and “hear” their animal friends upon completion of this fun, magical workshop. We have integrated Holy Fire® Reiki into the workshop and it became even more effective.
The key to animal communication is becoming still, learning to enter the heart space then gaining confidence with what you hear. There are some rules and ethics around it too. Scientists including Dr. Jane Goodall recognize that not only are animals communicating with us – but they understand what we say, think and feel. In her remarkable movie, “When Animals Talk”, they follow the science and prove that Animal Communication is real.
Animal communication has occurred for millennia across cultures but we lost this skill. Learn to hear the animals again.
In addition to teaching you how to hear the animals, I’ll be showing you how to dowse – to verify your results!
If this speaks to you – please join us for this fun and fact filled day.
What do people say about the course?
“Thank you Pam, for visiting Australia to share your knowledge. I can highly recommend the Animal Communication course. Pam doesn’t rush in with any gimmicks etc, it is a slow progression throughout the day to bring us to a place where we have a chance to connect.” – Robyn of Equine Miracle
“Pam, I want to thank you for your teachings on animal communication in Australia yesterday. You facilitated the lifting of a heavy sadness from my heart. Although I am not yet able to ‘speak’ to my horse, we rode today and I felt a closeness I have not felt before in our 10 years together. I have been using the dowsing rods to answer simple yes/no questions quite successfully. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.” – Wendy
Class Agenda
- Introductions – what brings you to class
- Animal sightings and dreams
- My story and how animal communication works for me
- Significance of Horses, Dolphins and whales
- Animals’ level of consciousness vs. human level of consciousness
- Holy Fire Reiki and how it works with class participants (if they WANT it to)
- When to use Animal Communication (and when not to)
- Safety
- The animals’ viewpoint of death
- Animal Abuse
- Ethics of Animal Communication (the animal’s rights and our responsibility)
- Free will; it’s not a magic bullet
- What Animal Communication “looks”, “sounds” and “feels” like
- Explanation of the “clairs”
- Crystals that can help
How to communicate
- The Pathway for animal communication & “hearing spiritual messages”
- Being authentic (honesty; scent; voice)
- Different species?
- What do you talk about? What don’t you talk about?
- Including the owner/caretaker in the conversation
- How not to overthink; and how to tell if you are
- Projection
- Gaining confidence with practice
- Meditation with Holy Fire Reiki to remove any blocks or barriers
- How to dowse
- Determining WHO to talk to
- Asking permission
- Grounding and identifying what to talk about
- Making a Heart Connection
- Test heart space connection
- First Communication exercise (living animal – distance)
- Second Communication exercise (deceased animal)
- Third Communication exercise (partner exercise)
- Question & Answer
- Wrap up prayer
- Facebook group
My journey to hear the animals is outlined in the article published in the Reiki News magazine’s fall 2013 issue. Click the photo below to read it.
Here’s another neat article on Hidden Brook Farm and Animal Communication, click on the magazine photo to read: